
[JPN] Syunta しゅんた (Hesoten Heso-10 へそてん) – Management マネジメント

Syunta しゅんた Hesoten Heso-10 へそてん Management マネジメント
Syunta しゅんた Hesoten Heso-10 へそてん Management マネジメント
Syunta しゅんた Hesoten Heso-10 へそてん Management マネジメント

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

Unlocked CG/Art

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40 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    This game have an english version?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why can I not login to the game , it’s said can not locate basic info Data/BasicData/Game.dat

  3. Anonymous says:

    directory should not be in japanese. rename it so its all in english.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Now split the file folder. It is named for [JPN] Senga Migiri 旋 牙 闇 霧 (Underground Campaign UGCP) – Garden of Bōga Kyōkai Comma no Niwa 忘我 境界 カ ン マ の

      I’ve just finished changing my name to something like Senga Migiri.

      And that you can play now sir

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m sorry I don’t think I understood.
        Could you explain each step you did to change the language please? I’d really like to play. Thank you.

        • Anonymous says:

          He means remove all japanese character on all files and folders’ name because it can’t be read by system. You can easily remove it by right-click the file and then choose “Rename” (for Windows)

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cant download

  5. Anonymous says:

    Is there anyone who can actually play this game 🙁

  6. Anonymous says:

    how do u play this in english

  7. Anonymous says:

    Have the same issue here.
    Does anyone really know how to make the game work? I tried changing my PC region to japanese but it still appear that Game.dat issue

    • an anonimous idiot says:

      you need to change the name of the files that are named in japanese letters.
      about a translation . it doesnt exist yet even with vn reader it doesnt work
      hope i have helped you

  8. Anonymous says:

    how do you even download it ?

  9. saint says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    This is full game?

  11. F14 says:

    This is full game?

  12. F14 says:

    This is full game?

    • Anonymous says:

      it is but unless you know japanese or are able to translate it somehow it’s gonna be pretty difficult to play. IF you are able to translate it somehow please leave a comment on how you did it.

  13. SACE says:

    when I click the download button,The new page that pops up is black screen,who can tell me why,

  14. Brazilian Guy says:

    Very nice game!! Loved it so much!
    Would love an english version!

  15. gooleh says:

    I need a guide to play this game, since i don’t understand any of this.
    Thank you!

  16. Anonymous says:

    how do i download games from this website!? all it does is bring me to this adult thing

  17. Anonymous says:

    can’t download now? can u upload the download link? Thanks

  18. Anonymous says:

    How to download the game?

  19. Anonymous says:

    I even do anything with this game. I am having a hard time just trying to install it. First, My region is in Japan (Just in case you want to know) Second, since it’s a rar files, I can’t rename anything but the file, and lastly, I need passwords for de files and other files.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I can’t even do anything with this game. I am having a hard time just trying to install it. First, My region is in Japan (Just in case you want to know) Second, since it’s a rar files, I can’t rename anything but the file, and lastly, I need passwords for de files and other files.

  21. OwO says:

    It works well because it runs with the Locale Emulator.

    Thank you for sharing a good game ♥♥♥

  22. Anonymous says:

  23. Anonymous says:

    If someone’s wondering how to run this game, just change the rar name to something like ”Syunta (Hesoten-heso-10)- Management” and its done. not that difficult. Now…since all the game is in japanese i think its possible to translate it with a program, idk it’ll probably take me some time to find a way to translate ir easly ;______;

    • Anonymous says:

      heyyy can u tell me by more details on how to run this game, i didnt really have experience in this kind of game pc games, :(( if u can, can u tell me the step by step or listing the step 🙂

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