
[ENG] Oonyx Games – Super Health Club

Oonyx Games Super Health Club
Oonyx Games Super Health Club
Oonyx Games Super Health Club
Oonyx Games Super Health Club
Oonyx Games Super Health Club
This is a full game (not a demo) that plays in debug mode. To progress with the conversation you need to click on the forward arrow in the bottom right corner.


Thomas Scenes: Scene 1: Day 1 (Monday) – Daytime Thomas’s Room Just kidding! Fooled yah didn’t I? “Uhh? Yeah? You sure did!” Do I look like the type to watch those kind of movies? “Nah, you seem more of an action movie kind of guy.” Scene 2: Day 10 (Wednesday) Assign Thomas with the job: “A Good Workout” Scene 3: Day 23 (Tuesday) Assign Thomas with the job: “Martial Instructions” Scene 4: Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime Bathroom Go to Thomas in the bathroom with exactly 100 hearts History: Day 29 (Monday) – Night Thomas’s Room Which movie do you want to watch? “Punch-Drunk Love” Day 34 (Saturday) – Daytime Thomas’s Room Go to Thomas in his room with 70-89 hearts This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it. Chris Scenes: Scene 1: Day 4 (Thursday) – Daytime Pool What were you saying about not being a good swimmer? “It must be because I had you to help me.” Scene 2: Day 13 (Saturday) Assign Chris with the job: “Aqua Physics Training” Scene 3: Day 18 (Thursday) Assign Chris with the job: “Crossfit to the Xtreme” Scene 4: Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime Chris’s Room Go to Chris in his room with exactly 100 hearts History: Day 27 (Saturday) – Daytime Chris’s Room Decline Kouji’s offer and head to Chris’s room during daytime with 70-89 hearts This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it. Phillip Scenes: Scene 1: Day 6 (Saturday) – Night Sauna Decline Thomas’s offer and head to the sauna at night Scene 2: Day 16 (Tuesday) Assign Phillip with the job: “A True Gym Rescue” Scene 3: Day 21 (Sunday) Assign Phillip with the job: “Control the Frat Boys” Scene 4: Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime Sauna Go to Phillip in the sauna with exactly 100 hearts History: Day 19 (Friday) – Night Phillip’s Bedroom Go to Phillip in his room with 70-89 hearts This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it. Kouji Scenes: Scene 1: Day 12 (Friday) – Daytime Dojo Decline Thomas’s offer and head to the dojo during daytime Scene 2: Day 20 (Saturday) Assign Kouji with the job: “Teach the Boy Karate “ Scene 3: Day 24 (Wednesday) Assign Kouji with the job: “Power Up the Gym!” Scene 4: Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime Locker Room Go to Kouji in the locker room with exactly 100 hearts History: Day 33 (Friday) – Night Kouji’s Room Decline Thomas’s offer and head to Kouji’s room at night with 70-89 hearts This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it. Richard Scene: – Go to the sauna for Phillip, and Kouji will appear eventually if you are close with him/them within the first week or two – Catch Kouji on the phone with Richard – Visit Kouji in the dojo and he will slip up and almost say Richard’s name – On Day 21 go to the personal training room where you’ll find Richard and Kouji (unconfirmed) Tips & Tricks – Every time you visit a character after work you give +4 hearts to him unless it’s a dialogue choice scene, then the result will vary – Every check up on someone during their work time will give them +2 hearts – You can technically play this game however you want seeing as the cap for character hearts is 100 and you have 35 days to do so (I had an extra week or 2 of just me traveling empty spaces to avoid giving hearts) – You have 5 pages of data, that’s one for each character and all their scenes with 1 page being full of experimental data that you can rotate through – Make sure the character does NOT have the day off when it is time for one of their scenes – Scene 1 is the only category with no “action” – Have a variety of early save data in case you mess up at a later day – When you see a job available that has a high pay, it is a scene and you need to assign the right character to it even if it doesn’t seem like their usual job – Going into the green is very easy as long as you keep a consistent income of around 800~1000 total per day – Richard will always have 50 hearts – Although Thomas starts at 40 hearts, Chris, Phillip, and Kouji start at 30 hearts – It’s much easier to gain hearts than it is to lose them, so try not to exceed over 100 hearts as there are only a few rare occasions where you can go back to 100 for the 4th scene endings – If a character asks you out to something and you reject their offer, you lose 8 hearts – Thomas will ask you out on Day 33, and Chris will ask you out on Day 34, so get both of them to 108 hearts and decline them both – You have more than enough time to get all the character’s heart meter filled to 100 Guide for the Prologue and Day 1: Prologue: What will you do? A: Agree with the meeting time and then go freak-out completely. (0 Richard) B: Make up an excuse about an already scheduled meeting. (0 Richard) Day 1 (Monday): How will you introduce yourself? A: Hi, I’m (first name), the new gym manager. Nice to meet you. (+4 Thomas) B: Hi, I’m (first name) (last name). I’m here as the new gym manager. (0 Thomas) Would you like for Thomas to explain the schedule? A: This system is actually quite different so if you could help me, thanks. (+4 Thomas) B: Thanks Thomas, I appreciate it. (-8 Kouji) C: I already know how this system works. Thanks for offering though. (-8 Thomas) How will you respond to that? A: Make sure he knows never to do that again. (-8 Chris) B: Say that you’ll forget it happened, as long as it doesn’t happen again. (+4 Chris) C: Say that you understand why he felt that way. (-8 Chris) Daytime: Thomas’s Room (+4 Thomas) Just kidding! Fooled yah didn’t I? A: Uhh? Yeah? You sure did! (Second Dialogue) B: No dude, you were dead serious! (CG 1 of Thomas’s Scene 1) Do I look like the type to watch those kind of movies? A: Someone as sweet and innocent like you? Sure you do! (-8 Thomas) B: No, I guess not. (CG 1 of Thomas’s Scene 1) C: Nah, you seem more of an action movie kind of guy. (All 4 CG of Thomas’s Scene 1 and +4 Thomas) Night: Kouji’s Room (+4 Kouji, +4 Thomas)

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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289 Responses

  1. Dunno says:

    Hey, why does it crash when I’m washing Chris’ back? Is there any walkthrough for this?

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Leo says:

    I’m getting an error message after unpacking. Says “Password Error?”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is not the full game? Alzó it dont let me sabe anithing

  5. It is the BETA version. Not the demo. the beta contains unlocked images while the demo doesn’t. And yes it doesn’t allow you to save at the moment and still buggy. This is not the full game. The full game is not completed yet.

  6. Anonymous says:

    “the beta contains unlocked images”
    I played through until there was a sign like “How you liked this so far” from where i couldnt enter the game again. Until then i couldnt unlock any scenes or images.

  7. You can only unlock the cg via the story mode. It won’t be unlocked if you don’t go through the scene. But I don’t think everything is able to be unlocked at this stage.

  8. Anonymous says:

    when the full game released please do update <333333333

  9. HELP says:

    I unlocked the shower scene where u wash Chris’s back but i can’t move on after it just stays on that scene. Pls help or is there a walkthrough or something?

  10. 1Question says:

    How can you save file? I’ve tried saving and when I load again, poof, my file is no there?

  11. Anonymous says:

    i thought that the beta was supposed to have the voice actors?

  12. Confused says:

    Are you sure this is the beta? I couldn’t hear any voices, and there was no CG.

  13. seokhun says:

    1. This is 0.98 beta.
    2. Limited CG.
    3. Ends after 2 weeks.
    4. No voices.

    0.99 is the demo one with voices but only 1 week.

    • Brown says:

      Have you tried turning of the voices volume on the Settings tab?

      Settings > Sounds > Voice Volume

      Mine was turned off.

  14. Question ? says:

    While i playing the game the “Adobe Projector has stopped working” pops-up keep popping out and then it shut down, is there a solution for this ? My computer is win 10

  15. Davii :3 says:

    Someone is going to post the final version?

  16. Paul says:

    I get script error. What shoul I do?

  17. Anonymous says:

    So karate guy is source for “Suport the authors” on the right 😀

  18. Anonymous says:

    To unlock the nudity scenes, u have to assign Thomas to “A Good Workouy” on day 10 and Chris to “Aqua Physics….” on day 13. Hope this helps

  19. Yeah says:

    So a little guide, so far, of what i have discovered:

    You can actually save and load, but only on one save slot, and only on the “post-day/building exploration” phase. You must save on the void slot (instead of showing “Empty”, it does not have any name; mine was the 8th save slot). It will save on the second slot. When you try to load this save, load normally the second slot, but if you want to save again, save on the void slot again (it will overwrite the 2nd slot). Please don’t ask me why, really, but for me it worked as a charm.

    Oh, and watch out, if you try to open the other save pages, weird stuff happens, like the day instantly ending.

    ==> Some Walkthroughs

    Thomas SC1 – aka. Porn Video
    Greet him with a nice to meet you on day 0 \\ Say that you apreciate his explanation on day 1 \\ Give him the PT Job (the icon with biceps) \\ Talk to him in his room during the evening (sun icon) on day 1 \\ “you sure did” \\ “action movie kind of guy”

    Chris SC1 – aka. Shower Scrub
    Say that you understand his behavior when he came to pick you up to the welcome meal \\ Give him the Pool Jobs (the swimming icons) \\ Go meet him on the Pool on evening day 4 \\ “thanks to you”
    WATCH OUT! Most of people who get this scene get stuck here.

    Phillip SC1 – aka. Sauna Night

    • Zid says:

      Omg…you are a genius! But, what about Phillip?

      • Phillip
        Day 2 (Tuesday) – Evening
        Dialogue choice
        (Not sure yet on the outcomes, but you either like or dislike the spicy food)
        (Option 1 – Chris ends up looking disappointed, Phillip seems fine with either option, Option 2 – Phillip says he’ll remember no spicy food next time)

        Day 4 (Thursday) – Night
        Art Scene
        (No text options for this scene)

        Foam Party – Say no on the day Thomas ask you to go to that party (not the movies) with him you tell him no and Phillip will be in the gym, then go into sauna.

        Kouji only has one scene and you get when you tell Thomas that you should stay instead of going to the movies with him them talking to Kouji in the dojo.

        Scene 2:
        Day 10 – A good workout, check on him. (Not sure if neccesary but I had the personal trainer room upgraded once.)
        Day 13 – Aqua training, check on him.

  20. Halcyonyx says:

    Will you be posting the full version of this game when it comes out on the 10th? Or are you just going to leave the Beta up and that’s all?

    Regardless, thank you for sharing this 😀

  21. Wes says:

    I can’t open the game!! D: It doesn’t work in windows 10?? D:

  22. Paul says:

    Okay, yall stop asking for full version. This guy has been uploading these awesome stuff for years, and now we are acting like we are entitled to get them for free. Is it so hard to say thank you?

    I really appreciate your works, @Baramangaonline

  23. Keith says:

    Many Thanks to Bara Manga Online for all the uploading, these are really fun.

  24. Hikari says:

    Any idea why I cant play the game?
    The error message “Adobe Projector stop working” keep appears.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Just so you guys know, the full version was released yesterday. If anyone can upload it here, It’d be really appreciated!

  26. Zid says:

    Oh man, is out and I really want it! I wish I could buy it 🙁

  27. Chris says:

    I can’t wait for the full version!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Yeah any ideas when the full version will be posted?

  29. Jesus says:

    Could anyone share a serial number?

  30. Anonymous says:

    How do you open the game?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, and if you have Walkthroughs plz post it. Thank u so much!

  32. Eric says:

    Thanks you a lot!
    Could you tell me Phillip’s route? (Not the sauna)

  33. Caca Futi says:

    I would love if someone could share a serial number for this game, thanks!

  34. Chris says:

    It does seem to require a serial number…ouch. Well, if you find one that works across the board, do share.

  35. Brown says:

    Thanks for the upload!

    I’ve been wanting to play this so I can confirm how much of a trainwreck it is (the game itself not DongSaeng’s art).

  36. Anonymous says:

    Here is some of the scenes (CG) if u want to see it 🙂

  37. Anonymous says:

    Hi, thanks for the game.
    I just encoutered a little problem, I seem to have a debug box opening when I get the first text of the game and I can’t seem to be able to take it off. Has anyone else encountered this problem ? Ir does anyone know how to get passed it ?

  38. Philip says:

    For me the game loads just fine. But it is in Debug mode. I can edit all the dialog and the only way to move on is bu clicking the arrow on the bottom right side of the screen. No biggie but just letting you know 🙂

    Thank you for this upload…now if only i knew what to choose to unlock stuff XD

  39. Mannu says:

    Can´t download! Please send me another link

  40. Anonymous says:

    I can’t get past the serial number… Anybody have a way to pass it?

  41. Ilo says:

    Sadly the download always stops after a little time, I tried it several times, but I can’t seem to get it to work. Can someone help?

  42. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone help, when ever I try to download at the adultdigitaldownloads it always sends me to another site, is there anyway to stop that….

  43. Anonymous says:

    can’t download it!

  44. Chris says:

    –my heart is beating a mile a minute. I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL RICHARD–

    • Saph says:

      i know right? i was seriously going to reach through the game if i could and kill the man. he is a complete a**hole to every right and deserves to go die.

      Spoilers past this:
      reasons he should go die:

      1: rapes Kouji out of spite
      2: rapes the PC own mother and abandons his own child. (phillip)
      3: doesn’t get a crap if you succeed or not as long as he gets money.
      last reason: he is a shitty boss and for the love of all that is holy, DON’T USE F**KING BONDAGE ON A GUY YOU WORK WITH!!!!!!!!!!!

      Now go die in a hole and rot there for all eternity while the main character and employees have there own little harem. okay? good.

      PS to Richard: Kouji: I will f**king kill you if you do not leave this place. if you try to come back and harm any of the others here i will come get you myself and kill you.

      • Luke says:

        How did you get Richards scenes? I’ve been trying and i’ve had no luck. I followed the rough walkthrough above, went to sauna with Kouji, fought in the dojo with him, he slipped up and said richards name but everytime I enter the the area with him and richard, they are never there.

      • Nathan says:

        I’m having the same problems as Luke. I’ve followed the rough guide to completion, but I go into the personal training room, and they aren’t there. I’ve been told to upgrade the rooms. And looking closely at pics posted on tumblr, Kouji and Richard’s scene happens in the dojo, not the training room. I also read a forum that says Richard is caught on camera doing it. So maybe that means you have to go to the office. I haven’t tested that route out yet, but if it doesn’t work, then I don’t know what else is missing. If you have any kind of direct way or know the conditions, I would really appreciate it! I want to earn all the scenes.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Walkthrough PLEASE 🙂

  46. Terry says:

    Soooo I took the time to skim through the old messages in the chatbox and I found this interesting and helpful tip from a kind person. He said:

    gaytorrent do have download for full version without serial. in the comments they said move all the
    18 Dec 15, 03:25 AM
    Jimmy: files from the full version to the beta version directory and overwrite it
    18 Dec 15, 03:25 AM
    Jimmy: except three files: settings.atp starter.atp starter.exe

    But I just have one question…an IT noob here…does this mean:
    1. I move all files from the full version except those 3 into the beta files, OR
    2. I move EVERY files from the full version into the beta?

    Erm honestly I’m not even sure how this works so I kinda don’t really know what or how to ask sorry:(

  47. Lol says:

    For those who can’t download the game due to the pop-ups at the site, here’s how I got past,
    Just enter a random website on the same tab, then go back to the site again and all the pop-ups are gone =D

  48. Anonymous says:

    When I go to Adult Digital Download, I can’t press the download button, It always redirects me to Ads. Please Fix. I want to get my hands on this game. Thank you

  49. Anonymous says:

    The download link isn’t working, It always shows ads. Pls send help, or post another link

  50. SGBoy says:

    Terry, i can’t find the full version on gaytorrent 🙁 could you share the link here?

  51. aaa says:

    i dont know if this info is helpful but for those who are having like errors in the middle of download. try using mozilla. it doesnt stop halfway and finishes the download pretty fast

  52. MacUser says:

    Someone has the Mac version ?
    Please 🙂

  53. Error says:

    Is it working for others? It doesnt work for me

  54. Noobie says:

    After I click download it redirects me to adultdigitaldownload.com then I tried to press download but it just popped up window then I realized that I will get the pop up anywhere I click. Help?

  55. meh says:

    Is it part of the game, that the doors 8 app won’t work? it’s always crashing.

  56. Anonymous says:

    thank you very much for the update i enjoy the game vey much

  57. Chiharu says:

    how to remove the debug things at the top middle of the game?

  58. Anonymous says:

    Disconnect from the internet when playing

  59. Link says:

    Has anyone been able to unlock Phillips route? Other guys I can sort of imagine how the romance goes but for him, I have been trying everything to no avail. Probably because of choosing wrong dialog options. If someone can give me a guide I would really appreciate it

  60. lum-pai says:

    They deleted the unofficial walkthrough on their forums, but it’s still in the Google Chache.

    Update: All things regarding exactly 100 hearts for the 4th scenes is a bug and will be fixed in a future patch.

    This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.

    Thomas Scenes:
    Scene 1:
    Day 1 (Monday) – Daytime
    Thomas’s Room

    Just kidding! Fooled yah didn’t I?
    “Uhh? Yeah? You sure did!”

    Do I look like the type to watch those kind of movies?
    “Nah, you seem more of an action movie kind of guy.”

    Scene 2:
    Day 10 (Wednesday)
    Assign Thomas with the job: “A Good Workout”

    Scene 3:
    Day 23 (Tuesday)
    Assign Thomas with the job: “Martial Instructions”

    Scene 4:
    Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime
    Go to Thomas in the bathroom with exactly 100 hearts

    Day 29 (Monday) – Night
    Thomas’s Room

    Which movie do you want to watch?
    “Punch-Drunk Love”

    Day 34 (Saturday) – Daytime
    Thomas’s Room
    Go to Thomas in his room with 70-89 hearts

    This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.

    Chris Scenes:
    Scene 1:
    Day 4 (Thursday) – Daytime

    What were you saying about not being a good swimmer?
    “It must be because I had you to help me.”

    Scene 2:
    Day 13 (Saturday)
    Assign Chris with the job: “Aqua Physics Training”

    Scene 3:
    Day 18 (Thursday)
    Assign Chris with the job: “Crossfit to the Xtreme”

    Scene 4:
    Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime
    Chris’s Room
    Go to Chris in his room with exactly 100 hearts

    Day 27 (Saturday) – Daytime
    Chris’s Room

    Decline Kouji’s offer and head to Chris’s room during daytime with 70-89 hearts

    This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.

    Phillip Scenes:
    Scene 1:
    Day 6 (Saturday) – Night

    Decline Thomas’s offer and head to the sauna at night

    Scene 2:
    Day 16 (Tuesday)
    Assign Phillip with the job: “A True Gym Rescue”

    Scene 3:
    Day 21 (Sunday)
    Assign Phillip with the job: “Control the Frat Boys”

    Scene 4:
    Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime
    Go to Phillip in the sauna with exactly 100 hearts

    Day 19 (Friday) – Night
    Phillip’s Bedroom

    Go to Phillip in his room with 70-89 hearts

    This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.

    Kouji Scenes:
    Scene 1:
    Day 12 (Friday) – Daytime

    Decline Thomas’s offer and head to the dojo during daytime

    Scene 2:
    Day 20 (Saturday)
    Assign Kouji with the job: “Teach the Boy Karate “

    Scene 3:
    Day 24 (Wednesday)
    Assign Kouji with the job: “Power Up the Gym!”

    Scene 4:
    Day 35 (Sunday) – Daytime
    Locker Room
    Go to Kouji in the locker room with exactly 100 hearts

    Day 33 (Friday) – Night
    Kouji’s Room

    Decline Thomas’s offer and head to Kouji’s room at night with 70-89 hearts

    This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.

    Richard Scene:
    – Go to the sauna for Phillip, and Kouji will appear eventually if you are close with him/them within the first week or two
    – Catch Kouji on the phone with Richard
    – Visit Kouji in the dojo and he will slip up and almost say Richard’s name
    – On Day 21 go to the personal training room where you’ll find Richard and Kouji

    Tips & Tricks
    – Every time you visit a character after work you give +4 hearts to him unless it’s a dialogue choice scene, then the result will vary
    – Every check up on someone during their work time will give them +2 hearts
    – You can technically play this game however you want seeing as the cap for character hearts is 100 and you have 35 days to do so (I had an extra week or 2 of just me traveling empty spaces to avoid giving hearts)
    – You have 5 pages of data, that’s one for each character and all their scenes with 1 page being full of experimental data that you can rotate through
    – Make sure the character does NOT have the day off when it is time for one of their scenes
    – Scene 1 is the only category with no “action”
    – Have a variety of early save data in case you mess up at a later day
    – When you see a job available that has a high pay, it is a scene and you need to assign the right character to it even if it doesn’t seem like their usual job
    – Going into the green is very easy as long as you keep a consistent income of around 800~1000 total per day
    – Richard will always have 50 hearts
    – Although Thomas starts at 40 hearts, Chris, Phillip, and Kouji start at 30 hearts
    – It’s much easier to gain hearts than it is to lose them, so try not to exceed over 100 hearts as there are only a few rare occasions where you can go back to 100 for the 4th scene endings
    – If a character asks you out to something and you reject their offer, you lose 8 hearts
    – Thomas will ask you out on Day 33, and Chris will ask you out on Day 34, so get both of them to 108 hearts and decline them both
    – You have more than enough time to get all the character’s heart meter filled to 100

    Guide for the Prologue and Day 1:


    What will you do?
    A: Agree with the meeting time and then go freak-out completely. (0 Richard)
    B: Make up an excuse about an already scheduled meeting. (0 Richard)

    Day 1 (Monday):

    How will you introduce yourself?
    A: Hi, I’m (first name), the new gym manager. Nice to meet you. (+4 Thomas)
    B: Hi, I’m (first name) (last name). I’m here as the new gym manager. (0 Thomas)

    Would you like for Thomas to explain the schedule?
    A: This system is actually quite different so if you could help me, thanks. (+4 Thomas)
    B: Thanks Thomas, I appreciate it. (-8 Kouji)
    C: I already know how this system works. Thanks for offering though. (-8 Thomas)

    How will you respond to that?
    A: Make sure he knows never to do that again. (-8 Chris)
    B: Say that you’ll forget it happened, as long as it doesn’t happen again. (+4 Chris)
    C: Say that you understand why he felt that way. (-8 Chris)

    Daytime: Thomas’s Room (+4 Thomas)
    Just kidding! Fooled yah didn’t I?
    A: Uhh? Yeah? You sure did! (Second Dialogue)
    B: No dude, you were dead serious! (CG 1 of Thomas’s Scene 1)

    Do I look like the type to watch those kind of movies?
    A: Someone as sweet and innocent like you? Sure you do! (-8 Thomas)
    B: No, I guess not. (CG 1 of Thomas’s Scene 1)
    C: Nah, you seem more of an action movie kind of guy. (All 4 CG of Thomas’s Scene 1 and +4 Thomas)

    Night: Kouji’s Room (+4 Kouji, +4 Thomas)

  61. A says:

    Does anyone know how to get out of debug mode?

  62. Anonymous says:

    When I open it, it just says unable to open database. Anybody know how to fix this?

  63. Chris says:

    This is the second playthrough, and the second time Chris has asked me to swim with him on the penultimate day. And for the second time, my decision of “yes” got overridden and the PC changed his mind. Is that supposed to happen? Is there a way to correct it? Or is it just part of the game as of now?

    • Link says:

      Im not so sure but I think u can only go if you’re in romance with Chris. Or it can be a bug

      • Saph says:

        your not able to go on the swim trip with Chris on your last day. since its your last day there in the swim place. so yeah. you get loss of points toward the romance. so my recommedation is have his heart points above 100 before you talk to him so you can get his ending.

  64. Anonymous says:

    At least you downloaded the game…
    When I go to download page and click “Download now!”, the ad appear in new window. After I close the ad, everytime I try to click anywhere on the page,it just make new ads appear, so It’s impossible to download game…

  65. Anonymous says:

    THANK YOU lum-pai for the guide :)))) you’re heaven sent :*

  66. Anonymous says:

    “Assign Thomas with the job: “A Good Workout””… what do you mean “A Good Workout”? I do not understand. Personal training? Gym? Or what?

    • Chris says:

      It’s a booked job that will appear on the 10th. It’ll have a special description and will be “high” in both cost and return. Assign Thomas to it, and then check on him.

  67. Anonymous says:

    anyone have the serial number?

  68. Thomas says:

    I can’t move on to the next dialog even i press the arrows on the bottom right

  69. Thomas says:

    What meas log or legister??? Log to where??

  70. Kouji's Lover says:

    Thank you so much!!~ My favorite is Kouji! <3333 Haha love those silent types 😉
    Again make sure you get the hearts to exactly 100 or no last scenes and ending for you :3

    • Chris says:

      Getting the History movies can be tricky too. By following the guide as is, you’ll get the history /conversations/, but the movie may not play. So far, I’ve only gotten Thomas’s by doing both his history scenes (punch drunk love + backstory) and doing the latter at 86 hearts, meaning it progresses to 90.

      Still not sure on the exact process.

  71. asfargd says:

    is this voiced? if so, then why isn’t mine muted?

    • bhl123456 says:

      Yes, it is voiced. If u want to mute it you have to do it from the launching screen before starting the game

  72. Chris says:

    The music playlist button won’t work for me, and I can’t find the ones I want to hear on youtube, which is a crying shame. Does anyone have any idea how to make it work?

  73. Len says:

    I Try to download it but instead of an rar file im getting an internet Link file and when i try to open it with Rar it keeps saying all the files are broke or something

  74. sunny says:

    I love this game

  75. Anonymous says:

    How am I suppose to start the game??

    • Anonymous says:

      You unzip all the contents of the SuperHelathClub folder into a place and then click on starter.exe. It will ask for some things like the fonts and stuff and you click on all the documents with the same name that you had unziped

  76. Len says:

    Can someone help please. When I click the download instead of a rar File it shows up as an internet Explorer page file and when i open and extract with Winrar all the files are empty

  77. Anonymous says:

    why isn’t it downloading? :(((

  78. Anonymous says:


    1) Thomas’ lemony shampoo
    2) Philip’s spicy shampoo
    3) Kouji’s minty shampoo


  79. Anonymous says:

    where can i see the hearts? it is the debug mode so i can’t find it

  80. Anonymous says:

    Please post the full versión! Love this game 🙂

  81. Anonymous says:

    When I download it it says that there are files that don’t exist, like location, characters etc.. What I do?

  82. OhMyLord says:

    Version 1.01 its release, u will upload or we play this one for ever, anyway really thanks for uploas this game, im so thankfull

  83. Adam says:

    It is not that easy everyone. Since the game uses internet connection to verify the serial numbers. We got lucky because we managed to bypass that in ver 1.0 by replacing some files with files from the beta. I’m not sure it will work again with 1.01.

    And most importantly, NO ONE who bought this game will ever share the game because of the sheer fear of getting their game unplayable because of serial number being blocked.

    If some crack team like RELOADED or else willing to crack this game or something.

  84. Josh says:

    Hello thanks for sharing this awsome game. Just one quick question, are there any differences with the 1.01 versión? Does the 1.01 version has more content?

  85. Randy1019 says:

    How do I Log in?

  86. Doge says:

    Bless your soul for posting this…..thank you

  87. night says:

    i cant change the languaje u.u

  88. Clark says:

    What happens if I dont get the gym on green? Does that changes the story or something?

  89. Anonymous says:

    any download links guys?

  90. Toco says:

    i heard this IS the full version? is that true?

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, baramangaonline updated it awhile ago

    • ivan says:

      i downloaded this last night, it is beta version 0.98

      • It is patched with the demo files, but it is the full game. The beta doesn’t allow you to play the full game.

      • ivan says:

        oh sorry from reading the comments, this seems to be version 1.00, it just says beta 0.98 because some beta files were used to bypass serial number requirements (or something like that), however it is still in debug mode, so i am unable to use the save function since that is hotkeyed to S and typing S just edits the dialogue since it is in debug mode….

  91. Luke says:

    Has anyone unlocked Richards scenes? I’ve followed the walkthrough above but it doesn’t work – unless I made a mistake somewhere.

    • Vinny says:

      i DID it works just try it

      • Luke says:

        I’ve tried it and nothing. I’ve caught Kouji on the phone, got his 1st scene and met him in the sauna.
        Does he have to have a specific heart level? Or do I need to do something else?

  92. Toco says:

    Sometimes when i save it doesnt save right or something, and it wont start me at the same place, any one else having this problem?

  93. Anonymous says:

    Hi! Is this updated? Will you update if ever there is one? 😀

  94. Anonymous says:

    i’m not getting their history CGs is that normal?

    also these are some data i’ve gathered for jobs with CG
    Day 10 – Wed – A Good Workout – Thomas Scene 2
    you should change Chris’ and Phillip’s Day Off via PC for them to be available on their CG Scene days
    Day 13 – Sun – Aqua Physics Training – Chris Scene 2
    Day 16 – Tue – A True Gym Rescue – Phil Scene 2
    Day 18 – Thu – Crossfit to The Extreme – Chris Scene 3
    Day 20 – Sat – Teach The Boy Karate – Kouji Scene 2
    Day 21 – Sun – Control The Fratboy – Phil Scene 3
    Change Day Offs for everyone [ I did change them to next day but i think its not that efficient cuz of some jobs at specific days, just make sure they are available during these days]
    Day 22 – Mon – Marital Instruction – Thomas Scene 3
    Day 24 – Wed – Power up the Gym – Kouji Scene 3 (The only scene in which less money is generated by the “right” trainer).

    Richard Sex scene is in Day 21 (night), at the personal training room. You should have high (above 50? above 60?) heart bar score for Kouji in order to see it.

    If you set the right trainer for the right task you should have no problem getting the club back to the green.
    The exact 100 hearts part is trickier, since sometime (conversation in the same day as a sex scene? when two trainer are present?) the heart bar jumps in 2 or 6 instead of 4 or 8, so you get things like 102 or 98 hearts. Bummer.

    you need to earn at least 800~1100 a day in order to go green. say to assign jobs:

    thomas- give him either kick boxing, personal training, or the crossfit whatever its called…
    kickbox>crossfit>personal (highest profit > lowest profit)

    chris- should always assign the pool/swimming related jobs IE. the scuba diving and pool duty. i think on day 13, might be another day, there was this aqua physics for him which unlocks a scene and give you around 500.
    aqua phy>CYCLING>scuba adv>scuba beg>pool duty

    high intensity>gym duty

    kouji- give him basically all the dojo/ martial arts classes.
    martial arts ADV>martial arts BEG> dojo

    also make some upgrades to the gym! that should earn you extra say from 300 to 309 per day.

    visiting them on their job gives 2 hearts
    visiting them after job [day/night] gives 4 hearts unless special cases like 2 guys in a room with some choices which hearts given or loss varies
    declining their offer for date or something not in their advantage DEDUCTS 8 hearts
    try to take note on their hearts as getting ending scenes can be tricky as it needs exactly 100 hearts on that day, no more, no less

    • Anonymous says:

      on Day 28
      during job designation
      Thomas and Christ would automatically get +4 hearts each if you decline to Kouji’s Offer on 27

      Day 29 – Night
      checking on Thomas would give +4 hearts and choosing Punch-Drunk Love would give additional 4 hearts [fucks up my hearts count on first play]

  95. Flynn says:

    The voices dont work for me. Is there a way to fix this?

  96. Anonymous says:

    Sorry if this was already asked, but does anyone have some sort of help for the Richard scene? Like, which day should I visit Kouji in the Dojo or what’s the ideal heart rate with him? I’ve been replaying so many times and still no luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      On First Two week try to dote on Kouji
      visit him in his work if there’s no CG that day to increase hearts a bit if you want just don’t go overboard keep it around 50 on earlier week as it will fuck up for last CG if you exceed 100

      Day 1 Night bust his room [hmm suspicious]
      Day 5 Day decline Thomas offer to train at Dojo [+4 Kouji]
      Day 8 Day you can visit Kouji on his room and choose the first option to add 4 hearts
      Night visit him on Bathroom [ohlala] choose his shampoo adds 4 hearts
      Day 9 i’m not sure if hearts matter but after work you would hear Kouji speaking with Richard
      it think you need to decline Thomas offer on Day 12 and visit Kouji on Dojo he will almost mention Richard and also for his first CG

      i think there’s also a Day where you can see Phillip and Kouji on sauna
      you should definitely check that also

      on Day 21 Night not sure if hearts matter but mine is around 80~90 on Kouji go to Personal Training Room for Richard CG

      • Anonymous says:

        Finally got it! I feel mixed emotions about this achievement though. While I finally accomplish something that has taken me forever, it kills me on the inside to see my husbando get violated like that. DEATH TO RICHARD!!

  97. Nathan says:

    Umm… When I click load game or new game it always says “Adobe Projector is not responding” ~ any help?

  98. Anonymous says:

    For their history cgs, can you only unlock for only one character through each play through? Because I only got Thomas on every game except that one time I only got Chris. Any thoughts on that?

    • Anonymous says:

      i don’t think so
      on my first play i only got Thomas history
      on my second run i got both Thomas’ and Chris’ history

      i think its just a matter of your previous choices on who to visit and choice like on Thomas choosing Punch-Drunk love on Day 29

      since it was in debug mode i’ve been seeing something like
      #.#.#.#### memblock on debug menu
      and it makes some script skip lines during their history date
      i tried to remove it and it is taking me to their history [the way i unlocked mine for Phillip and Kouji in the gallery] xP
      like i said it might have something to do with hearts count or previous choices imma try to play some more
      and see if i can unlock P and K’s history the right way

      • Anonymous says:

        xD my OCD can’t help it I got K’s history
        Day 14 Night check on Kouji at sauna [ memblock] [i think it blocks Thomas’ as 1 might mean character1 which might refer to Thomas]
        by skipping Richard CG on Day21
        accept his offer of date on Day27
        going on Kouji at Sauna instead of Thomas on 29 and chose to give massage
        hearts around 130 xDDD [makes me think hearts doesn’t really matter imma try on Phillip to get to low hearts]

        so Thomas and Kouji is countering their history so there is no perfect gameplay to get all CG and history in one go
        you even need to skip Richard CG [there is like a memblock]

      • Anonymous says:

        got Phillip’s history
        i think you need to be like a tsundere to him
        i really tried to avoid him to get less hearts best i got is 66 hearts on his history day
        i didn’t meet up with him during visit unless it has choices conversation
        Day 02 – day kitchen pick 2nd choice
        Day 05 – day Dojo 1st choice, night Locker Room 2nd choice [not sure if related]
        Day 06 – decline Thomas, day visit Phillip at Gym, night visit him at Sauna for CG
        Day 07 – day Phillip’s room 1st choice [flaunt it or something]
        Day 08 – day K room guitar, night Kouji in bathroom [pick Phillip’s shampoo]
        Day 09 – day Kitchen 2nd choice
        avoid avoid avoid
        Day 12 – before work choose Chris to clean, decline Thomas
        Day 13 – day Gym
        Day 14 – day visit Thomas, night i went to Office for upgrades [not sure if related but my gym and PT room is upgraded to 2]
        avoid avoid avoid until
        Day 19 – before work when Thomas is talking about bad mojo choose 2nd option, day i’ve choosen to check reception [even if no one is there], night Phillip’s history UNLOCKED!!! with hearts around 66

  99. Anonymous says:

    the Game really feels like the remake of Hunk’s Workshop
    meh i’ll still choose Kengo over Kouji

  100. anony says:

    I cant seem to unlock richard CG

  101. Anonymous says:

    does anyone has or know how to get the new version 1.01 ?

    • Anonymous says:

      buy the game from their site
      unless some hacking team would want to spend time on it since there is like a license thing in v1.01
      well the version is pretty much the whole game anyway its just in debug mode [to bypass license bullcrap] which is complete and still playable

  102. Pandy says:

    Hi, when i finish the game, i always have Tomas ending, how should i do to unlock the rest of endings (Chris, Philip and Kouji)?

    • Anonymous says:

      you could try to read all those comments from baramanga and other fellow bara enthusiasts? they all posted and shared their findings for a reason.

  103. Anonymous says:

    I’ve read the comments, and I can’t seem to find a fix. I can’t get past the serial code, and I can’t even close the window and start it up again to see what happens.

    • Anonymous says:

      the game asks you for a serial code? I just run starter.exe and click play button

      • Anonymous says:

        I click the starter, and then the game comes up with a button that has a picture of a lock on it. When I click the lock, it asks for a serial. I saw someone say all they had to do was close and reopen it, and then it worked, but I can’t even close the window.

  104. Anonymous says:

    Nope. Nothing. It’s still locked.

  105. Anonymous says:

    When I click new game, it shows a gray tool bar on top saying, “Debug”
    Char, mood, outfit, etc. On the bottom quote it says, “Sigh.. another day of trying to solve a problem that shouldn’t even be my problem to begin with” Stuck on this page.

    • Anonymous says:

      Also, how do you full screen the game? I am not able to click the bottom icons where the weeks and money are located.

  106. jan says:

    Can someone explain me how to run the game, please?

    • Anonymous says:

      uhm if you have downloaded it
      run “starter” [the one with SHC icon]
      a starter window will pop up and there should be a play icon there in the middle just click it and it should run?
      if it didn’t run, ur pc prolly can’t support running it [low memory, graphics support, processor, adobe flash might also be needed]

      • Anonymous says:

        I created a new folder on my desktop and extracted all the files into it and then created a shortcut to the starter.exe

  107. Kikosempai says:

    I was doing everything possbile with Kouji and i ended up with Tommy. What?

    • Anonymous says:

      you prolly exceeded 100 hearts on Last day for Kouji
      you need EXACTLY 100 hearts on day 35 and visit Kouji, the last guy you visit on day 35 with 100 hearts is the one you would end up with
      not sure if it matters but try to get all previous CG related to Kouji [even Richard’s?]
      CG1 Day 12 [decline Thomas offer, visit Kouji on Dojo]
      CG2 Day 20 [Teach Boy Karate job to Kouji visit at work]
      CG3 Day 24 [Power Up the Gym job to Kouji visit]
      CG4 Day 35 [exactly 100 hearts visit Kouji day]
      you should end up with Kouji and CG with him

  108. Anonymous says:

    Help! I’m having trouble switching Chris’s and Philip’s day-offs, which are Thursday and Sunday respectively, for their 3rd CG scenes.

  109. Rashin says:

    So…I am guessing there’s no V1.01 available anywhere? The one available here is v1.0 or 0.98.23 beta does anyone have a link for either the update or the full game update to v1.01?

    • Anonymous says:

      it is actually v1.0 the 0.98 beta is just the starter to bypass the license
      tbh i think v1.0 is better as exactly 100 hearts is more of a challenge
      v.1.01 changes are just they made it that exceeding 100 hearts will still end up w/ the chosen guy and some typo fix

  110. miku says:

    Is this the full version? when I get to the end I can’t get the final scene for any of the characters and some of the character’s history video doesn’t have any audio

    • Anonymous says:

      it’s the full version
      you need exactly 100 hearts, no more no less, for the chosen guy on day 35 for ending CG
      i’m not so sure i did get all of their history cg w/ audio tho Chris’s is somewhat low volumed but still there is maybe get ur volume up

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m having the same problem, it says that a file with a name like VOC3 is corrupted 🙁

  111. Lexagon says:

    When I start the .rar it said ‘Unexpected end of archive’, and I cannot extract it. Can anyone help?

  112. Anonymous says:

    I am having in unlocking Chris’ history clip. Can anyone help me, please?

  113. Wiccan says:

    Why Chris is on his day off on day 18(Crossfit to the Xtreme) and Philip is off to day 21(Control the Fratboys)? I tried both with their days switched and not, and it’s still like that!

  114. Chromemx says:

    Oh yus

  115. Vince9 says:

    Hi guys.. can anyone help me out please.. when I try to save some changes in the settings, this shows up “An error occured: Attempt to write a readonly database” and when I play the game, I can’t seem to go to the next dialouge even if I press the arrow button and I can only edit the Dialouge.. Please help me cause I really wanna play the game.

  116. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, I’ve seen it. I’m not sure how high your relationship with Kouji has to be to do it, but I just followed the directions shown on this page.

  117. boku says:

    Am I playing the beta or full version ? Just wanna know that . Because tech , I can type the text bt I cant save nor my other hotkeys like spacebar is even working in the game .

  118. Anonymous says:

    Can someone help me out? I was able to download and open the game, but when I start a new game and the first dialogue box pops up, nothing happens. I press the arrows, push buttons, but nothing. I also can’t figure out how to get the window to fit my screen. I changed the settings but it still won’t fit my screen.

  119. Eru says:

    upon clicking the starter, im prompted with the lock, it wants me to input a serial number. TnT what do i do?

    • Anonymous says:

      Create a new folder on your desktop, extract the files into it, and then create a shortcut to the starter on your desktop.

  120. Rin183461 says:

    Since getting to 100 hearts is the point, I have to ask this question.
    Everytime I check up on a character after work I get 4 hearts, does that apply when they’re sleeping?
    Also, during the times when Kouji talk to us about the budget, does that also count as 4 hearts?
    Not just that, but even when you get to the rape scene of Richard and Kouji, does that count?
    And lastly, does checking the characters during their special days at work give 2 or 4 hearts?
    Unless I’m missing a heart-counting indicator, I believe this is important to get to the special scenes.
    Thanks o3o

  121. Alx34 says:

    Sorry but can you post it elsewhere? I have tried downloading the game in three different days once, and it always stop in 831 Mb then it says download failed, Please…

  122. Aaron says:

    How do I download this, I can’t find any link in any of the comments?

  123. henry24 says:

    Guys I need help I just dowloaded it but once I extracted the files I couldn’t find the game 🙁 just two folders and a bunch of CST files….

  124. Jack says:

    I think that walkthrough on baramanga isn’t up to date
    I did everything for Chris but I couldn’t get the history scene
    Redid it twice no luck what do u do

  125. Anonymous says:

    i only got thomas and chris history… can’t get philip and kouji’s no matter what i tried 🙁

  126. JigokuShonen says:

    i cant open the file. im using 7zip and it showes me “unsupported command”. any ideas what to do?

  127. Anonymous says:

    Can someone help me please? I want to play this game so bad, but when I start a new game and the first dialogue box pops up, nothing happens. I press the arrows, push buttons, but nothing. I also can’t figure out how to get the window to fit my screen. I changed the settings but it still won’t fit my screen.
    Somebody please help me out >.<!!

  128. Anonymous says:

    someone knows how to save the game?

  129. Charli_X0X says:

    thx for BaraMangaOnline to provide this game, but i’m here to say that there’s a bug where as u visiting Chris during work u can’t listen his voice, any voice at all, maybe something to do with the audio duration time code of Chris’ voice thing?
    Next, I’m able to unlock all scenes, all endings and usually only gets exactly 100 hearts at most 2-3 persons in one play, meaning u have to play again another round to unlock the rest, BUT!! I only discover Thomas and Kouji”s History Scene, if it’s not during gamemode, u can check that out in the gallery, but I still can’t unlock Chris and Philip’s, like u can’t unlock their history scene in the gallery… is it just me putting the wrong step or there’s a bug for the game? But I’ve followed the walkthrough for countless times…

  130. Thomas says:

    Hello, i’m on a windows 10, i tried to download with 7 zip, and when i try to open starter, it just says that “this app can’t run on you’re PC” and to find a version check with a software publisher. Please help

    • Anonymous says:

      same for me

    • Anonymous says:

      Try to verify that when you exported it you put in the right password, (password:BaraMangaOnline) it worked for me after I re-exported it just remember to be case sensitive

  131. ZZZ says:

    How to register the game? or Log in?
    Cause I didn’t find any place to log in.

  132. José Figueroa says:

    I’m fallowing Koujo’s route but when I get to day 24 for the gym scene, he has the day off that day. I don’t know what to do.

    • Runner says:

      Had the same problem. But then I found out you can work on your PC instead of checking up on guys. There you can change the guys’ schedule so that they won’t have the day off when you need them to work xD
      Also you can just go to your room during daytime or at night and change their schedule as well

  133. Kreeeeey says:

    i have the game but i cant play it cuz my screen is to small so it cant continue on the very first dialogue 🙁 heeeeeelp i trid continuing on the spcae bar but it doesnt help 🙁

  134. John says:

    How do you eliminate the serial code warning or something

  135. Arys says:

    is this the one with no 100 hearts requirement?

  136. Jacks says:

    what do you need to be able to play the game? Any requirements? Steps to do before playing or something? Please help!

  137. doram says:

    anyone know how to bypass the serial code please

  138. H says:

    hey, cant post the 1.0 game? i hate the debug and errors…

  139. Hei says:

    How to open the password…i not understand

  140. Mr. Awesome says:

    HEY….. I really love this game, it seems that im minor at the age of 18 i didnt know this game first, (IM STRAIGHT GUY, but i do love my friend as a friend we’re buddy)and my BI friend gave it to me so i did try it, and whoa! what a masculine man here, and i realize this is a GAY game….. this is nice game guys really love it I realize to that “theres some friends buddies have a secret but if you ask them if their gay they denny it but if you ask them to S_X hehehehe they say yes….” but I respect them Im still a Virgin tho that line is my friend word… so thanks to the author,director, and owner of this game I really like it I salute on you SIR …. 100% support

    • Mr. Awesome says:

      btw i got KO history but at the end Thom Ending SC it turns to black and crash then it says error load file…. i download the full game at 1.23gb and i got the game password [BaraMangaOnline] i got it on this page that friend gave me a give me a website for clear understanding, nvm, so please whats wrong with this?

  141. Leon says:


  142. Anonymous says:

    the full game is released already on 2016, please upload the full version, the one that is not in debug mode anymore 🙁 thank you very much

  143. Anonymous says:

    how to unlock last scene ? u said register/login but where?

  144. Anonymous says:

    Can this game be updated? It’s already 2018

  145. Idk says:

    How do we prevent a character from being off on a day where there’s a scene? Like on Day 22 for Thomas, there’s a Scene for him, but he was off that day. How do I not have him off on that day?

  146. Hank says:

    how do you make this work? where do you have to put the files of the main folder (SHC folder)? in the Beta folder? anywhere in this one, or in the subfolders? (asking about Terry’s post on december 2015). PLEASE HELP :C

  147. Anonymous says:

    UPDATE PLEASE!!!! V1.1.0

  148. dfg sgedfsv says:

    ples UPDATE

  149. Yu says:

    When I try to play the game, nothing really happens…. The text box is apparently type-able so I can’t get anywhere when I press space and nothing happens when I left and right click… help???

    • Anonymous says:

      click the arrows in the bottom right to go forward and back. you can also click the play in the middle if you want it to automatically play

    • bob says:

      click the arrows in the bottom right to go forward and back. you can also click the play in the middle if you want it to automatically play

  150. Anonymous says:

    where is the full version that’s not the beta? Im doing some research and I found out the official game has been released with all the voiced lines and all that, but I can’t find it! I can only find walkthroughs of it.

    Also, the website for oonyx games is going under maintenance… but I feel as though the website is just permanently offline. Does anyone know wtf is going on?

  151. Anonymous says:

    okay so quick update. I checked their facebook and their most recent update is in February omg. February 28th to be exact.


  152. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think the company is up and running anymore. 3 staff members of the team left. And, apparently, customers have not been responded to for assistance. The site is under maintenance (and it has been for months), and no updates have been made to the game. Sadly… I think this is the best we’ll get of SHC. I’ll try to periodically check for updates but I doubt there will be any.

    This game had so much potential… Im really sad. They were all perfect and handsome beautiful men

    • StevenHD says:

      The website is back in business. You can buy the game there. As for free versions, this is the only one I’ve found on the internet.

  153. Anonymous says:

    update im not giving up. oof Ill get back to you guys

  154. saint says:

    I can not play :c does not happen to me from the scene on the computer I have the same dialogue repeated again and again. helpaaaa please!

  155. StevenHD says:

    could this be updated. there’s a new version (1.15 i think). it’s supposed to be way easier to play; the hearts don’t rise so much and so quickly anymore. It’s available on their website, which is by the way open again.

  156. MADison beer says:


  157. Anonymous says:

    Hi! so quick question… Can you save in this game? cause I tried saving and it did not load my previous progress in the game.

  158. Anonymous says:

    @Bara Manga Online

  159. me says:

    Does anyone have a serial key of this product?

  160. Anonymous says:

    please update the game

  161. Saddsa says:

    Is the update up yet? If possible the limited edition one pleasee

  162. Zyron says:

    The game won’t work it says: Corrupt file or wrong password and Unexpected end of archive…

    But i totally type the right password so whats wrong with it?

  163. Anonymous says:


  164. Anonymous says:

    anyone know how to save on this?

  165. MT777 App says:

    I absolutely loved this post! Oonyx Games has done a fantastic job with Super Health Club, and being able to read Bara manga online is a huge bonus. Can’t wait to dive into the latest chapters!

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