NOTE : You must run the game by Applocale
How to Install Applocale on Windows 7
How to Fix Syntax Error in Windows 7 ~ Change your System Locale
Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)
Unlocked CG/Art
Dong Saeng / English / Games & Applications / Oonyx Games
[ENG] Oonyx Games – Super Health Club
November 26, 2015
Black Monkey Pro / English / Games & Applications
[ENG] Black Monkey Pro – Bacchikoi
October 22, 2014
Black Monkey Pro / English / Games & Applications
[ENG] Black Monkey Pro – Bacchikoi Android
December 22, 2015
ByeBi says:
Can someone pls tell me the controls on how to play this game? I kno that enter is for talking and choosing, and the arrow keys are for moving, but are there any other controls?
i found that x is for menu and stuff
but i think thats it
oh and shift for running
i found out 0 also works for menu on the keypad
Also is there a way to make it full screen or at least bigger windowed?
Can someone post a walkthrough or something?
what do you do after getting the amulet
u have to set some trees on fire
figured it out
Anyone know how to set the trees on fire?
This game was pretty fun but I wish it was longer…I’m almost done, just need the ending CGs with Ren, Val, and Garan.
What should I do after beating the slime
How can I save the game
Do anyone know the password of the door?
I only know the hints ‘1本’ ‘2本’ ‘3本’ ‘5本’ ‘6本’.
Oh. I Knew the password ‘95320’.
Thanks Man, I Love u !
whats the other password for the house on the south part of town
9082, u get it after u clear the game the first time
Walkthrough please!!
can some body help me cuz when i try to extract the file i put the password BaraMangaOnline but it says that thats the wrong pass ….dang it …
does anybody has this problems
alot of games from this site i have extracting problem when i put the pass BaraMangaOnline it always says its wrong or corrupt dam i really wanna play this game
pls reply T_T if anyone know how to solve this
how you guys can extract it actully ?
well i do have the same problem its kinda anoying
if somebody can help me with the password for the extraction it be great :3
ive been waiting for this game like hell plz help me my dear felloe friends ?
Are you using winrar as your extraction application? And is there a possibility that the download got interrupted or unfinished?
well nope i think i try to download on both mozilla and google crome yet it still wont extract properly T-T . i try redownloading it like 3 times on mozilla yet it does not work
and yes i use winrar
nope the download is fine …but the problem is when i put the pass its says its wrong …. hmmm ist maybe my winrar ver or my anti virus or something ?
this happens not only for this game some of the games form this site too for me but thanks for reply :3
Would love an English version!!
we all do, but it came out not too long ago, translations will take awhile
Thank you so much for this! I really didn’t expect to find it AND to like it so much! Val the werewolf was my favorite.
Can u get inside the ruins in the northern part of thre town?
don’t think so, tried many attempts and couldn’t, but there are 2 hidden chests there
If u look at the game file u’ll see many monsters u havent even faced yet.,, so maybe, just maybe there will be an expansion?
Is there a translation for this game yet? I really want to play it!
when i run tis game it said this is corrupted
can you tell me what is wrong?
Same here! I scanned it and it didnt have anything wrong. I dont understand why that happens.
Does anyone know how to save edit this game ? I want do duplicate the HP/MP regeneration amulet.
It says file is corrupted can anyone help
? pls
Hey, does anyone know if it’s possible (or even allowed) to edit this in RPG maker? I would like to work on translating it (started working on the intro to the game here, its understandable but not the greatest: ) but I know that I can’t possibly write out every possible interaction into a linear document like this.
I can´t run the game u.u