
[ENG] TiGaRi Works – Black Hoops Demo

TiGaRi Works Black Hoops
TiGaRi Works Black Hoops

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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26 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    game doesnt work

  2. XXX says:

    I heard that you need to change system Chinese. Is this demo ?

  3. Anonymous says:

    this is the demo ,but I didnt need to change to system.
    But the demo isnt showing much, the preview pictures posted here are more then the demo
    And yeah, first time it asks for addblocker to be disabled.

  4. Bollocks says:

    Where can I play the full game?

  5. Nick says:

    Oh my, this game is exquisite, I’m quite horny and this is just the demo. I have been trying to find this game to buy but I can’t. The Tigari website is almost in blank, and in google appears almost anything about this company. Did anyone find the full game?

  6. wolf says:

    Cant work i get a error message

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m guessing the game is still in development. This was just posted on Sept. 3rd and another picture was posted by the original developer August 12th (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58405934) and that was before the demo. Games (good ones, anyway) take a lot longer than a month to complete

  8. Anonymous says:

    game still doesnt work; please provide instructions or something

  9. Timmi says:

    can you please upload the art of bludwing ?

  10. A says:

    keep getting the error message, pls help

  11. Anonymous says:

    game doesn’t work

  12. Anonymous says:

    not working~~~

  13. Anonymous says:

    Any updates on whether this game was/will be completed?

  14. Anonymous says:

    is there any full version? Can’t find it anywhere

  15. baralover says:

    how can i play this game i cant open it i tried change system to china still not working

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