
[ENG] Javi (Chafoloco) – Blowjob Bear

Javi Chafoloco Blowjob Bear
[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/Javi%20Chafoloco%20Blowjob%20Bear.swf 600 520 f6f6f6]

Cabin Scene: Unlocked initally
Tropical Scene: Click the postcard in the mailman’s bag in the Van Scene
Cinema Scene: Click on the peeping Tom outside the window in the Cabin Scene
Office Scene: Click on the fern in Forest Scene
Van Scene: In the Office Scene, turn the key until you reveal the Mechanic’s Office background. Click the box in the corner near the tires
Forest Scene: Click on the campfire outside the window in the Cabin Scene
Halloween Scene: Click on the message in a bottle in the Tropical Scene

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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7 Responses

  1. Oswald says:

    what to do in cinema scene?

    • chafoloco says:

      Cinema has no secret buttons
      But they are 2 secret buttons at the window form scene 1

  2. Anonymous says:

    In the Halloween sceene, click on the tomb near the Castle, the party begins, and then click on the moon to change different costumes.

  3. Anonymous says:

    how to get forest scene been dragging the campfire in the window

  4. João says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    I never grow tired of this game!! Very, very hot!!

  6. anon says:

    Any idea how we can still play this? flash player is gone 🙁

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