[ENG] Javi (Chafoloco) – Blowjob Bear
Cabin Scene: Unlocked initally
Tropical Scene: Click the postcard in the mailman’s bag in the Van Scene
Cinema Scene: Click on the peeping Tom outside the window in the Cabin Scene
Office Scene: Click on the fern in Forest Scene
Van Scene: In the Office Scene, turn the key until you reveal the Mechanic’s Office background. Click the box in the corner near the tires
Forest Scene: Click on the campfire outside the window in the Cabin Scene
Halloween Scene: Click on the message in a bottle in the Tropical Scene
what to do in cinema scene?
Cinema has no secret buttons
But they are 2 secret buttons at the window form scene 1
In the Halloween sceene, click on the tomb near the Castle, the party begins, and then click on the moon to change different costumes.
how to get forest scene been dragging the campfire in the window
I never grow tired of this game!! Very, very hot!!
Any idea how we can still play this? flash player is gone