
[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Gardener

Humplex Manful The Gardener
[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/Humbuged%20Humplex%20Manful%20The%20Gardener.swf 600 830 f6f6f6]

Oral Ending

Talk: Hey, hello!
← Back
Talk: Hey, who’re you?
Talk: What’re you up to?
Talk: Do you do other things?
← Back
Talk: You must be very popular around here.
Talk: How about taking off the shirt.
Talk: Take off your pants.
← Back
Talk: Let me touch you.
Talk: Nice, show me what’s in there.
Touch: Neck, Cock
Talk: Go on, shoot that load.
Touch: Anywhere

Bed Ending

Talk: Hey, hello!
← Back
Talk: Hey, who’re you?
Talk: What’re you up to?
Talk: Why do you need those?
← Back
Talk: You must be very popular around here.
Talk: How about taking off the shirt.
Talk: How do people contact you?
Talk: Take off your pants.
← Back
Talk: Let me touch you.
Talk: Nice, show me what’s in there.
Touch: Cock
Talk: Go on, shoot that load.
Touch: Anywhere

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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1 Response

  1. soso says:

    how u play it guys after no flash player

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