
[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Fisherman

Humplex Manful The Fisherman
[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/Humbuged%20Humplex%20Manful%20The%20Fisherman.swf 600 830 f6f6f6]

Fingering ending

Talk: Hey, buddy!
Touch: Deck
Talk: What’s the name of this place again?
Talk: How does it feel to wear that overall? Can I try
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Talk: You look nice …
Talk: Your pants smell kinda, uhm, fishy.
← Back
Talk: Hey, Let’s fool around a little.
Talk: Take your underwear off!
>Touch: Cock
Talk: Spray it all over!

Bed ending

Talk: Hey, buddy!
Talk: What’s the name of this place again?
Talk: How does it feel to wear that overall? Can I try
← Back
Talk: You Look nice …
Talk: You must be good with your hands.
Talk: Your pants smell kinda, uhm , fishy.
← Back
Talk: Hey, let’s fool around a little.
Talk: Want to touch you.
Talk: Take off your underwear!
Touch: Cock
Talk: Spray it all over!

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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1 Response

  1. NRML says:

    I was look for the latest Monthly Manful Online Game ” The Starship Captain” I cant seem to find it here on this webpage. That’s unusual as I have found most of the other ones here.

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