
[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Butcher

Humbuged Humplex Manful The Butcher
[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/Humbuged%20Humplex%20Manful%20The%20Butcher.swf 600 830 f6f6f6]

Butt Slap Ending

Talk: Hi, bro.
Talk: You own this place?
Talk: How long have you owned this place?
Talk: Can I try that apron on?
← Back
Talk: Your costumers must love you.
Talk: Are those your work pants?
Touch: Ass
← Back
Talk: Can I handle your… meat?
Talk: Take that underwear off!
Touch: Cock
Talk: I need that cream, bro!

Fuck Ending

Touch: Counter
Talk: And you are?
Talk: You own this place?
Talk: What is like to have your own business?
Talk: Can I try your apron on?
Touch: Shoulder
← Back
Talk: Your costumers must love you.
Talk: What’s it like to handle meat?
Talk: Your shirt is too tight!
Touch: Nipple
Talk: Are those your work pants?
Touch: Crotch
← Back
Talk: Can I handle your… meat?
Talk: Whats upstairs?
Talk: Take that underwear off!
Touch: Cock
Talk: I need that cream, bro!

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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8 Responses

  1. Ajie says:

    about the Fuck Ending, you pick the wrong one because i follow the walkthrough and it not work..

  2. gyal says:

    I don’t know why but it don’t work for the fuck ending

  3. GlacierWolf says:

    Here’s Monthly Manful No. 65: Arthas The Burglar!

    Spanking Ending:
    Talk: Hey!
    Touch: Chimney
    Talk: You must be very fit to
    climb up walls.
    Talk: How come you’re doing this?
    Talk: What are you hiding under
    your pants?
    Touch: Butt
    Talk: You’re very sexy…
    Talk: Take your underwear off!
    Touch: Cock
    Talk: Milk it, man!

    Bed Ending:
    Talk: Hey!
    Talk: You must be very fit to
    climb up walls.
    Talk: How come you’re doing this?
    Talk: What are you hiding under
    your pants?
    Talk: You’re very sexy…
    Do you have a secret hideout?
    Talk: Take your underwear off!
    Touch: Cock
    Talk: Milk it, man! (Arthas tops, unfortunately)


  4. jair says:

    Could someone help me install it?

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