[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/HeXieXiongDi%20DieDieDie%20My%20Boyfriend.swf 625 470 f6f6f6]
- Find 8 Rotten Bones and 8 Used Batteries in the Dump. Use tab for aid.
- Find 8 Pencil in the Shopping Mall and Park
- Find Spring Water in the Creek
- Mix 1 Used Battery + 1 Pencil + 1 Spring water = 1 Battery. Make 8 Batteries in total. You need to put this in the couldron in order. One by one.
- Go to Mei’s Hut and answer “I want a boyfriend” and search for the Dragon Eye.
- Go to the Pharmacy and exchange the Dragon Eye with the Pet Snake. You can get the Pet Snake at the Park.
- To get the Thunderbird Meat, go to the restaurant. The waiter will ask you to carry his letter to the Stranger’s Mansion and wait. Open the letter. Then go back to the restaurant.
- Talk to the bartender at the Bar to exchange the Wine of Flame with the Witch’s Oil and Ancient Beer. The Witch’s Oil can be obtain at the Mei’s Hut by talking to Mei after talking to the bartender and the Ancient Beer at the Stranger’s Mansion on the bottom left corner.
- Mini Generator will replace with 8 battery.
- To obtain the Water of Youth, search for it first at Mei’s Hut and you will be able to access the Stranger’s House. Go in 3-4 times until you meet the girl and she will ask you 3 questions. You will get 4 Water of Youth if you get 90%. The Carp question = 0. Second question just type a. The Number question = 2
- Hunk Sperm can be found in the toilet gym the second time.
- Combine all the ingredients and add 8 bone 8 battery 4 water and 2 thunderbird meat into the pot and get a perfect boyfriend.
For those who are curious:
Question 1
6 without the head is 0
9 without the tail is 0
8 cut in half is two zeros
0 + 0 + 0 = 0

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)
how to get 90%
the second answer type “私”
the bones are so difficult to find。。
Use Tab
What do you mean tab?
Thank you !Nice
How to gain the Mini Generator?
How to combine?