
[JPN] Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 (Rycanthropy) – 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting

Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
Gai Mizuki 水樹凱 Rycanthropy 彷徨える狼 Inner Shooting
File contains a click and watch story book and a game that allows you to do stuff to the person and click on the heart pop up options on the left.

NOTE : You must run the game by Applocale How to Install Applocale on Windows 7

How to Fix Syntax Error in Windows 7 ~ Change your System Locale
Windows 7 Change your System Locale
Windows 7 Change your System Locale
Windows 7 Change your System Locale

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

Unlocked CG/Art

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5 Responses

  1. A says:

    do u have a walkthrough for all the playable characters?

  2. Anonymous says:

    any way to translate this

  3. BARABERE says:

    that’s the wrong preview picture….
    that’s another game by gai called samayoeru ookami and maybe honeycomb bingo?

  4. baraenthusiest says:

    How come all the games with the hot human guys are JPN only I’d love for more games with characters like this to be translated instead of hose games filled with furries or twinks

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