[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Trucker
Bed Ending
Touch: AllTalk: Hey, bud.
Talk: You always come to this truck stop?
Talk: Ripped jacket sleeves? That’s so old school.
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Talk: You look pretty fit for a trucker…
Talk: Uhm, your shirt is kind of…ripe
Touch: All
Talk: Maybe you should take off your pants.
Touch: All
Talk: How are you all muscley when all you do is sit?
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Talk: Hey, mind if I touch you,buddy?
Talk: Oh, man, youre such a hot stud.
Talk: Take that underwear off.
Touch: All
Talk: Let it go, man. Spill it!
Jack off Ending
Touch Front of the truck, windshieldTalk: What’s your name?
Talk: You always come to this truck stop?
Talk: Cool cap. Can I see
Talk: Ripped jacket sleeves? That’s so old school.
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Talk: You look pretty fit for a trucker…
Talk: Uhm, your shirt is kind of…ripe
Talk: Maybe you should take off your pants.
Touch: All
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Talk: Hey, mind if I touch you,buddy?
Talk: Take that underwear off.
Touch: Cock
Talk: Let it go, man. Spill it!