[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Accountant
Butt Slap Ending
Talk: Hi ther-.Touch: Seat
Talk: I was sent here to assist you.
Talk: Cool glasses.
← Back
Talk: You should have looks and brains, man.
Talk: So, do you do anything else in your office?
Talk: Oops, there goes your pants.
Touch: Butt
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Talk: Let’s fool around together!
Talk: Underwear off, ok?
Touch: Dick
Talk: Go on, cum!
Fuck Ending
Talk: Hi ther-.Talk: I was sent here to assist you.
Talk: Cool glasses.
← Back
Talk: You should have looks and brains, man.
Talk: Oops, there goes your pants.
Touch: Butt
← Back
Talk: Let’s fool around together!
Talk: Any private place around here?
Talk: Underwear off, ok?
Touch: Dick
Talk: Go on, cum!
Thanks for posting!