
[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Male Nurse

Humplex Manful The Male Nurse
[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/Humbuged%20Humplex%20Manful%20The%20Male%20Nurse.swf 600 830 f6f6f6]

Bed Ending

Talk: Hello, Nurse?
Talk: It’s a little cold here.
Talk: Can you lend me your shirt?
Touch: All
Talk: You look like you workout a lot.
← Back
Talk: Your clothes look really comfortable.
Talk: Your undershirt looks real soft…
Touch: All
Talk: Is it ok if I borrow your pants?
Touch: All
Talk: Mmm, great looking body!
← Back
Talk: I’m getting so hot looking at you…
Talk: You feel so good and warm, babe.
Talk: Let me have your boxers…
Touch: All
Talk: Give me that load, stud!

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    Is there a second ending for this game? All the others have 2.

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