
[ENG] Humbuged (Humplex) – Manful: The Stripper

Humplex Manful The Stripper
[swf:/wp-content/uploads/Flash/Humbuged%20Humplex%20Manful%20The%20Stripper.swf 600 830 f6f6f6]

Buttslap Ending

Touch: Stage, stick
Talk: Do you have to wear a hat?
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Talk: Good Evening
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Talk: What’s your name,hunk?
Talk: You must be really popular here!
Talk: Can you take your shirt?
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Talk: How long have you been working here
Talk: Aren’t those cuff comfortable?
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Talk: You must be popular here!
Talk: Ooo, do you rip those pants off on stage?
Touch : all
Talk: Those muscles of yours turning me on!
Talk: Underwear off! Underwear off!
Touch: Cock
Talk: Gimme that cream, stud!

Bed Ending

Talk: Whats your name hunk?
Talk: How long?
Talk: Do you get a lot of tips?
← Back
Talk: You must be popular here!
Talk: Can you take your shirt?
Talk: Ooo, do you rip those pants off on stage?
← Back
Talk: Those muscles of yours turning me on!
Talk: I want to take you back to my place
Talk: Underwear off! Underwear off!
Touch: Cock
Talk: Gimme that cream,stud!

Password: BaraMangaOnline (case sensitive)

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